
An update from our BAME Awarding Gap developmental awaydays


The awaydays were led by Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof Jane Roscoe and Chair of the BAME Awarding Gap Steering Group, Prof Mark O’Thomas, and created our 2022/23 objectives

BAME Awarding Gap awayday team photoThe BAME Awarding Gap Project Group has recently concluded two awaydays during which time, the assembled staff discussed the progress of the project in relation to the changed environment in which it now operates. With the successful launch of our university strategy and the initial unveiling of the University's Race Action Plan, we are now in a position to take progressive action towards meaningful change and establish new project objectives.

Shaping our objectives

The awaydays were convened by Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof Jane Roscoe and Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof Mark O’Thomas and attended by key members of the project Steering Group, and the university EDI Advisors. Amongst the others attending were representatives from the university Inclusivity Champions and GSU. The purpose of the first day was to look anew at the project in its entirety and to use these meetings to review the various workstreams and to determine short to medium term priorities. It was recognised that the work would constitute a key theme in the university’s Student Success Sub-Strategy and would form a strand of work at the heart of the university’s renewed imperatives in relation to student achievement.

The second awayday built upon the initial agreement to ensure that the objectives were feasible and clear. The group also made significant progress in determining next steps and identifying what would be required in terms of actions to move the objectives forward.

Below are the five objectives to be achieved by 2022/23, work is continuing to refine and outline next steps to each objective.

This work constitutes a positive new stage of the Awarding Gap work and a strengthening and renewal of the original ambitions. Further updates will follow as the new workgroups are constituted and start to recruit additional membership.

Objective 1:

Implemented a process to achieve equity in placements, internships and other employability opportunities for BAME students

Objective 2:

A programme that equips personal tutors to coordinate help for BAME students to enhance progression and success in their courses

Objective 3:

A new suite of credible assessment options that are understood and accessible to different types of learners in the BAME community

Objective 4:

Reduced BAME awarding gap and more positive changes to the curricula (content and delivery) across each faculty

Objective 5:

More staff and students who know about the BAME awarding gap and knowing how they can contribute to closing the gap

Note: Information has also been shared with students via Student News - An update from our BAME Awarding Gap developmental awaydays

Current staff