Julia Morgan

Dr Julia Morgan BSc, PG Dip, PG Cert, MSc, MA, LTHE, DCR, PhD

Associate Professor in Public Health and Wellbeing

Teaching areas and professional interests

Julia's primary teaching and research interests are around social justice and inequality; children's health and well-being; maternal and women's health; international development; global health; community development; conflict, war and humanitarian disasters; neuro-diversity; and nomadic peoples.


  • Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion. London School of Economics - PhD. ESRC Competitive Funding and also funded by the Richard Titmuss Award. Focus on children's health and well-being using quantitative data sets and qualitative interviews
  • Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion. London School of Economics - MSc Social Research Methods. ESRC funded
  • Open University - Masters in International Development Management
  • Manchester University - PG Diploma in Public Health (Global Health)
  • Open University - PGCert in Conflict, War and Development
  • Plymouth University - PGCert Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LTHE)
  • Anthropology Department. London School of Economics: BSc Social Anthropology.

Posts previously held

  • 2016 - 2019 Masters in Public Health Online, University of Essex
  • 2007 - 2017 Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies. University of Plymouth
  • 2008 - 2017 Masters in Public Health Online, University of Liverpool
  • 2004 - 2007 Manager, Home-Start Torridge, UK. Family Support Charity
  • 1997 - 2007 Researcher. E-Risk Study, Kings College London
  • 2002 - 2004 Community Development Worker. The Children's Society, UK
  • 1991 - 2002 Radiographer. Variety of NHS Hospitals.

Responsibilities within the university

  • Teaching on the BA (Hons) Public Health; MSc Global Public Health; BA (Hons) Health and Social Care undergraduate degrees
  • Supervising PhD's and Masters dissertations
  • Programme Leader: MSc Global Public Health
  • Co-Leader: Global Maternal and Newborn Health Hub: Greenwich University.


  • Senior Fellow – Higher Education Academy
  • Reviewer - ESRC Grants
  • Reviewer - MRC Grants
  • Member of Editorial Board – PLOS One
  • Reviewer – Journal of Further and Higher Education, Children and Youth Services Review, PLOSGlobal Public Health, Children and Society, International Journal of African Nursing, BMJ Open, Journal of Children’s Services, Women and Criminal Justice, Social Policy and Society
  • Member of Advisory Committee for Department of Education funded project run by Barnardos and POPS: i-HOP Information Hub on Offenders' families with children for Professionals
  • External Examiner – Huddersfield University – MA Professional Practice 2010-2014
  • External Examiner – Liverpool John Moores – MA International Approaches in Early Childhood Education and Care 2016 -2020
  • External Examiner – Anglia Ruskin University – MPH Global Public Health 2021 - present.


Morgan J (2016). No Lost Generation Impact Study: Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon. World Vision Lebanon. Focus on educational and child protection services offered in child-friendly spaces

Morgan J (2015). An Evaluation of Action-Work Theatre and Arts Company.   Plymouth: Plymouth University http://www.actionwork.com/ (Education and Theatre and Children's Rights/Empowerment)

Morgan, J., (2013). An Evaluation of the Barefeet Theatre Company. Lusaka, Zambia: Barefeet. http://barefeettheatre.org/ (Education through the Theatre and Arts to Empower Children)

Morgan, J & Gill, O., (2013). Children Affected by the Imprisonment of a Family Member: A Handbook for Schools Developing Good Practice. London: Barnardo's.  Available from: 

Research / Scholarly interests

  • Morgan, J. (2017). Staying in contact with their children: the experiences of imprisoned mothers in England. Children of Prisoners Conference, New Zealand
  • Morgan, J. et al (2016). 'Beyond Rubricated Reflection – Perspectives of instructors and students on reflection in an online Master of Public Health Programme'. The Higher Education Conference 2016 Amsterdam
  • Morgan, J. & Leeson, C., (2016). Improving prison visiting experiences for imprisoned parents and their children. International Conference of Law Enforcement and Public Health. Amsterdam
  • Leeson, C & Morgan, J. (2016). Children of Prisoners: A Hidden Group of Young Carers. International Conference of Law Enforcement and Public Health. Amsterdam.
  • Welbourne, P., Morgan, J. & Leeson, C., (2015). 'Missing children: a contested territory'. Young People and the Law: International Approaches to Care, Corrections and Intervention. Conference held at Monash University, Prato Centre, Italy
  • Morgan, J (2015). Her Majesty's Inspectors of Prisons Annual National Training Event, London; Keeping in contact - children with a parent in prison, how might prisons support family connections?
  • Liverpool University/Laureate Education (2014). Design of Online Masters Module on Health Inequalities for Masters in Public Health (Consultancy)
  • Morgan J., (2013). Using the online environment to Support Female Students in Progressing From Foundation Degree to Honours Degree. Paper presented at Learning Spaces and Communities, 6th Annual International Symposium for Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 9-11, 2013. Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Plymouth University, Theatre Royal Plymouth Young Company, TR2 and Barnardo's. (2013) Children of Prisoners Theatre Production accessed at: http://www.i-hop.org.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/361
  • Morgan, J., (2013). Reflections on a Participatory Research Project undertaken with Children in Mongolia and Zambia. Paper presented at the Institute of Health, Education and Community Conference Plymouth University March 20th 2013.

PhD Supervisions completed

  • Peters, J., (2021). Parenting and Infant Mental Health (PhD)
  • Alotaibi, F., (2019). Facilitating Active Learning in Universities in Saudi Arabia (PhD)
  • McGrath, C., (2018). Oral Story: A pedagogical tool encouraging children's mathematical thinking (PhD) Director of Studies
  • Kingdom, Z., (2017). A qualitative study exploring children's role play experiences in two early years' pack-away settings (PhD)
  • Lavelle, M., (2011). A sociological investigation of Sure Start Children's Centres: Understanding parental participation (Funded by Devon County Council and HEFCE) (PhD).

PhD External examiner

  • University of Huddersfield (2021). Children of Prisoners and Visiting Parents in Prison. (External)
  • University of Greenwich (2019). An epidemiological study on the relationship between quality and quantity of social networks and chronic pain in older adults using data from the MOBILIZE Boston Study (Internal)
  • University of Huddersfield. (2017). The Effects of Family Relationships on Children of Prisoners - A Study of Romania.

Selected MPH/MA Dissertations Supervised

  • Health professionals' perceptions on the barriers for female street-based sex workers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Bradford and Leeds, UK
  • A qualitative look at the transgender person's perspective of interactions with family, the healthcare community, and society in Oregon
  • A systematic review of the impact of disclosure of HIV status among peri-natally infected adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • A systematic review of the effectiveness of metformin-clomiphene citrate vs clomiphene citrate alone in infertile women with PCOS
  • A cross-sectional study exploring attitudes and knowledge around HIV/AIDS in university students in the Philippines
  • A qualitative study to explore the impact of displacement, caused by the armed conflict in Iraq (2014-2018), on the knowledge, attitudes and practice of healthcare providers in Kirkuk, Iraq
  • A qualitative study to explore the humanitarian workers' perspective on barriers and facilitators when identifying, planning and providing health and sanitation services for the most vulnerable populations within an emergency humanitarian response
  • A qualitative exploration of the effect of Nutrition North Canada on the Inuit community in Pangnirtung, Nunavut, Canada
  • A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of refugee-assisting NGOs in Bangkok on the primary health needs of urban refugees
  • Application of aid effectiveness principles in vulnerable children (VC) and caregiver programming in Nigeria. A qualitative study of key informant perspectives on the Systems Transformed for Empowered Action and Enabling Responses for Vulnerable Children and Families (STEER) project
  • A qualitative investigation of health workers' perceptions of health provision provided to adult Internally Displaced Persons by humanitarian agencies in Malakal, South Sudan
  • A qualitative study to identify barriers and enablers experienced by event management and health technical staff in low to middle and high-income countries to implementing coordination mechanisms at the national level during public health emergencies
  • An exploration of mothers' perceptions and experiences related to exclusive breastfeeding in Chipata District in Eastern Province, Zambia
  • What factors impact mother's decisions to immunize their children in Enugu State, Nigeria?
  • Perceptions and Experiences of Mothers Regarding Exclusive Breastfeeding in Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Knowledge of and attitudes to childhood autism amongst teachers in Nigerian Pre and Primary Schools
  • Measuring associations between maternal characteristics and nutritional outcomes of children aged 6 -59 months in Kakuma Refugee Camp; Kenya
  • A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of parents/guardians about health services for children with autistic spectrum disorder in Abuja, Nigeria
  • 'The same but different: A comparative study of the preschool provision in England and China'
  • European Work Placements and Personal, Professional and Academic Development: The Views of Widening Participation Early Childhood Studies Undergraduates
  • A qualitative study exploring the experiences and perceptions of parents whose preterm baby has been cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Los Angeles County, California
  • A qualitative study exploring women's perspectives on childhood immunization in rural and urban communities of Zaire Province, Angola
  • A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of mothers in Qatar on dietary habits and healthy lifestyle choices for their children aged between 8-13 years old
  • An exploratory study into the health-seeking behaviour and healthcare access of slum-dwellers in the Makoko-Iwaya area of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Predictive Factors for Single versus Multiple Emergency Department Visits Related to Asthma Exacerbations in Children Ages 5-14 Years in Washington Heights and Inwood, New York City, New York for the year 2014
  • Women's perspectives of institutional birth deliveries: A qualitative study in Kavrepalanchok, Nepal
  • Antenatal Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia: A Qualitative study of midwives perceptions regarding the challenges in offering SCT screening to pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy in the UK.

Key funded projects

  • University of Greenwich ILD Competitive Funding (2023). Challenges and enablers in implementing mHealth and eHealth initiatives for nomadic peoples in Mongolia £3049.90. PI: Julia Morgan
  • University of Greenwich Impact Development Fund (2023). Supporting Gypsy, Roma, and Travellers (GRT) in Higher Education in the UK: A Handbook for University Staff on Developing Good Practice. £4,996. Competitive Funding. February 2023 PI: Julia Morgan working with practitioners, charities, and organisations from a wide range of disciplines
  • Laurent Online Education. (2016). Reflection in online public health programmes. £10,000 Co-PI: Julia Morgan
  • University of Plymouth Teaching and Learning Award (2013). Use of Case Studies to Support Professional Learning. £5,000. Co-PI: Julia Morgan
  • University of Plymouth Teaching and Learning Award (2012). Using the online environment to support foundation degree (level 5) students in their progression to honours degree (level 6). £5,000. PI: Julia Morgan
  • Vice-Chancellors Community Research Award (2008). Children of Prisoners and School Support. £10,000 Plymouth University. PI: Julia Morgan works with practitioners and organisations from a wide range of disciplines.

Recent publications


Morgan, Julia and , Breau, Genevieve Marie (2024), Access to maternal health services for indigenous women in low and middle income countries: an updated integrative review of the literature from 2018-2023. James Cook University. In: , , , . James Cook University, Rural and Remote Health, 24: 8520 (2) 1445-6354 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH8520).

Morgan, Julia and , La Placa, Vincent (2023), Loneliness is a major public health problem – and young people are bearing the brunt of it. The Conversation Trust. In: , , , . The Conversation Trust, The Conversation: 218391 ISSN: 2201-5639 (Print), (doi: https://theconversation.com/loneliness-is-a-major-public-health-problem-and-young-people-are-bearing-the-brunt-of-it-218391).

Morgan, Julia and , (2023), Exploring women’s experiences of diagnosis of ADHD in adulthood: a qualitative study. Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, Advances in Mental Health ISSN: 1838-7357 (Print), 1837-4905 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/18387357.2023.2268756).

La Placa, Vincent , Reiss, Lisa-Marie, Morgan, Julia, Jeavons, Charlotte (2023), Perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and health messages among undergraduate students. Nova Science Publishers. In: , , , . Nova Science Publishers, International Public Health Journal, 15 (2) . pp. 187-196 1947-4989 (Online) (doi: https://novapublishers.com/shop/volume-15-issue-2-2023-international-public-health-journal/).

Morgan, Julia and , Leeson, Caroline (2023), Stigma, outsider status and mothers in prison. SAGE. In: , , , . SAGE, Journal of Family Issues . pp. 1-21 ISSN: 0192-513X (Print), 1552-5481 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X231162975).

Morgan, Julia , McDonagh, Chelsea, Acton, Thomas (2023), Outsider status, and racialised habitus: the experiences of gypsy, roma, and traveller students in higher education. Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44 (3) . pp. 485-503 ISSN: 0142-5692 (Print), 1465-3346 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01425692.2023.2167702).

Morgan, Julia and , Sengedorj, Tumendelger (2023), Practitioner perspectives on the challenges of implementing ‘alternative’ early childhood education (ECE) provision for nomadic children in Mongolia. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Children and Youth Services Review, 147: 106848 ISSN: 0190-7409 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106848).

Ibrahem, Oday and , Morgan, Julia (2022), Understanding the impact of the armed conflict (2014-2018) on healthcare professional’s practices and training: a qualitative study in Kirkuk, Iraq. Nova Science Publishers. In: , , , . Nova Science Publishers, International Public Health Journal, 14 (1) 1947-4989 (Online) (doi: https://novapublishers.com/shop/volume-14-issue-1-2022-international-public-health-journal/).

Tadzong-Awasum, Grace and , Morgan, Julia (2021), Women’s perspectives on cervical cancer screening in Biyemassi, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Nova Science Publishers. In: , , , . Nova Science Publishers, International Public Health Journal, 13 (2) . pp. 147-155 ISSN: 1947-4989 (Print), (doi: http://www.novapublishers.org/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=66336).

Nwaokenye, Jude , Sulaiman, Lakoh, Morgan, Julia (2020), Perceptions of Nigerian healthcare workers towards hand hygiene: a qualitative study. Pan African Medical Journal. In: , , , . Pan African Medical Journal, Pan African Medical Journal, 36: 204 ISSN: 1937-8688 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.2020.36.204.19869).

Orjingene, O. and , Morgan, J. (2020), Effectiveness of community based interventions in reducing maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. SCIENCEDOMAIN International. In: , , , . SCIENCEDOMAIN International, International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health (IJTDH), 41 (9) . pp. 9-21 2278-1005 (Online) (doi: https://www.journalijtdh.com/index.php/IJTDH/article/view/30314).

Leeson, Caroline and , Morgan, Julia (2019), Children with a parent in prison England and Wales: A hidden population of young carers. Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, Child Care in Practice, 28 (2) . pp. 196-209 ISSN: 1357-5279 (Print), 1476-489X (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13575279.2019.1680531).

Peters, Jane , Skirton, Heather, Morgan, Julia, Clark, Maria (2018), How do parents perceive and utilize knowledge of their infant’s mental health? A systematic review. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Journal of Child Health Care ISSN: 1367-4935 (Print), 1741-2889 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1367493518787311).

Alotaibi, Fatmah , Cutting, Roger, Morgan, Julia (2017), A critical analysis of the literature in women's leadership in Saudi Arabia. In: , , , . , International Journal of Business Administration and Management Research, 3 (1) 2412-4346 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.24178/ijbamr.2017.3.1.29).

Morgan, Julia and , (2016), Participation, empowerment and capacity building: Exploring young people's perspectives on the services provided to them by a grassroots NGO in sub-Saharan Africa. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Children and Youth Services Review, 65 . pp. 175-182 ISSN: 0190-7409 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.04.012) NB Item availability restricted.

Book section

Morgan, Julia and , (2022), Early childhood education and care for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. SAGE Publications Ltd.. In: , , In: Naomi Mcleod, Emem Effiong Okon, Diane Garrison, Diane Boyd, Angela Daly (eds.), Global Perspectives of Early Childhood Education: Valuing Local Cultures. SAGE Publications Ltd., London (1st) . ISBN: 1529717833; 9781529717839; 9781529604771; 9781529604764; 9781529604757; 9781529717839; 9781529717822 (doi: https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/global-perspectives-of-early-childhood-education/book271756).

Morgan, Julia and , Tumendelger, Sengedor (2022), Early childhood education for nomadic children in Mongolia. SAGE Publications Ltd.. In: , , In: Naomi McLeod, Emem Effiong Okon, Diane Garrison, Diane Boyd, Angela Daly (eds.), Global Perspectives on Early Childhood Education: Valuing Local Cultures. SAGE Publications Ltd., London (1st) . ISBN: 1529717833; 9781529717839; 9781529604771; 9781529604764; 9781529604757; 9781529717839; 9781529717822 (doi: https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/global-perspectives-of-early-childhood-education/book271756).

La Placa, Vincent and , Morgan, Julia (2022), Public health, theory, and application to policy and practice. Routledge. In: , , In: Vincent La Placa, Julia Morgan (eds.), Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health. Routledge, London , 1st (1st) . pp. 5-17 . ISBN: 9780367652098 (doi: https://www.routledge.com/Social-Science-Perspectives-on-Global-Public-Health/Placa-Morgan/p/book/9780367652098).

La Placa, Vincent and , Morgan, Julia (2022), The social construction of loneliness and global public health. Routledge. In: , , In: Vincent La Placa, Julia Morgan (eds.), Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health. Routledge, London , 1st (1st) . pp. 189-198 . ISBN: 9780367652098 (doi: https://www.routledge.com/Social-Science-Perspectives-on-Global-Public-Health/Placa-Morgan/p/book/9780367652098).

Morgan, Julia and , Choak, Clare (2022), Violence and global public health. Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , In: Vincent La Placa, Julia Morgan (eds.), Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health. Routledge - Taylor & Francis, London (1st) . pp. 109-118 . ISBN: 9780367652098; 9781003128373 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003128373).

Morgan, Julia and , Sengedorj, Tumendelger (2022), Nomadic peoples and access to healthcare. Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , In: Vincent La Placa, Julia Morgan (eds.), Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health. Routledge - Taylor & Francis, London (1st) . pp. 149-157 . ISBN: 9780367652098; 9781003128373 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003128373).

Morgan, Julia and , Shumba, Constance (2022), Armed conflict and the mental health of children. Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , In: Vincent La Placa, Julia Morgan (eds.), Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health. Routledge - Taylor & Francis, London (1st) . pp. 129-138 . ISBN: 9780367652098; 9781003128373 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003128373).

Morgan, Julia and , (2019), The impact of parental imprisonment on children’s school experiences in the UK: an overview of the research literature, policy and practice. Palgrave. In: , , In: Marie Hutton, Dominique Moran (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family. Palgrave, (1st) . ISBN: 9783030127435 (doi: https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783030127435).

Conference item

Morgan, Julia and , (2021), Invisibility of Gypsy, Romany and Travellers in Higher Education in the UK. In: Institute of Life-course Development Equality Diversity and Inclusion Research Conference, University of Greenwich., 8th December 2021, University of Greenwich, Institute of Lifecourse Development , . , . pp. 1-15 (doi: https://happeningnext.com/event/ild-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-research-conference-eid4sntkwtkmn1) NB Item availability restricted.

Morgan, Julia and , (2021), Gypsy, Roma (Romany/Romani/Travelers): staying in contact with children and family whilst in prison. In: INCIPP Conference Washington DC, 29th - 1st Oct 2021, Washington & Online , . , . pp. 1-20 (doi: https://inccip.org/inccip-2021-conference-schedule/) NB Item availability restricted.

Edited book

La Placa, Vincent and , Morgan, Julia (2022), Social science perspectives on global public health. Routledge - Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Routledge - Taylor & Francis, London (1st) . ISBN: 9780367652098; 9781003128373 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003128373).


Morgan, Julia and , Rogers, Carol (2024), Supporting Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters (GTRSB) in Higher Education: A Handbook for University Staff in the United Kingdom on Developing Good Practice. University of Greenwich. In: , , , . University of Greenwich, London (1st) (doi: ).