Dr Samantha Chaperon BA Hons, PGCert, PGCert HE, PhD

Principal Lecturer; Programme Leader, MA Events Management and Lead Tutor

Key details

Samantha Chaperon

Dr Samantha A Chaperon

Principal Lecturer; Programme Leader, MA Events Management and Lead Tutor

Dr Chaperon joined  the University of Greenwich in 2008. Before joining the university she was a Visiting Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, University of Sheffield, and University of Westminster.

Dr Chaperon lectures on a range of courses for tourism and events management programmes, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


  • External Examiner for Liverpool John Moores University

Recent publications


del Pilar Pascual-Fraile, María , Villacé-Molinero, Teresa, Talón-Ballestero, Pilar, Chaperon, Samantha (2024), Post-pandemic collaborative destination marketing: effectiveness and impact on different generational audiences. SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Journal of Vacation Marketing ISSN: 1356-7667 (Print), 1479-1870 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/13567667231224091).

Agius, Karl and , Chaperon, Samantha (2023), The dependency-autonomy paradox: a core-periphery analysis of tourism development in Mediterranean archipelagos. Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, International Journal of Tourism Research ISSN: 1099-2340 (Print), 1522-1970 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2582).

Hassan, Azizul , Kennell, James, Chaperon, Samantha (2020), Rhetoric and reality in Bangladesh: Elite stakeholder perceptions of the implementation of tourism policy. Taylor and Francis. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis, Tourism Recreation Research, 45 (3) . pp. 307-322 ISSN: 0250-8281 (Print), 2320-0308 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2019.1703286).

Booth, Paul , Chaperon, Samantha, Kennell, James, Morrison, Alastair (2019), Entrepreneurship in island contexts: a systematic review of the tourism and hospitality literature. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85: 102438 ISSN: 0278-4319 (Print), 1873-4693 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102438).

Booth, Paul , Chaperon, Samantha, Kennell, James, Morrison, Alastair M. (2019), Entrepreneurship in island contexts: a systematic review of the tourism and hospitality literature. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85: 102438 ISSN: 0278-4319 (Print), 1873-4693 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102438).

Chaperon, Samantha and , (2017), Tourism in contemporary cities: 6th ITSA Biennial Conference. Emerald. In: , , , . Emerald, International Journal of Tourism Cities, 3 (4) . pp. 321-324 ISSN: 2056-5607 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-10-2017-0049).

Chaperon, Samantha and , (2017), Tourism industry responses to public-private partnership arrangements for destination management organisations in small island economies: a case study of Jersey, Channel Islands. Inderscience. In: , , , . Inderscience, International Journal of Tourism Policy, 7: 2 (1) . pp. 23-41 ISSN: 1750-4090 (Print), 1750-4104 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTP.2017.10003750).

Book section

Chaperon, Samantha and , (2023), Dependency theory in tourism. Springer Link. In: , , In: Jafar Jafari, Honggen Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer Link, Cham, Switzerland (2nd) . pp. 1-3 . ISBN: 9783319016696 (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01669- 6_419-2) NB Item availability restricted.

Agius, Karl and , Chaperon, Samantha (2023), Designing ecotourism experiences through co-creation: The case of small central Mediterranean islands. Routledge. In: , , In: Ante Mandic, Sandeep Walia (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nature Based Tourism Development. Routledge, . pp. 315-328 . ISBN: 9781003230748 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003230748).

Chaperon, Samantha and , Kennell, James (2022), Tourism Policy. Edward Elgar. In: , , In: Dimitrios Buhalis (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (1st) . pp. 459-462 . ISBN: 9781800377479; 9781800377486 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486.tourism.policy).

Agius, Karl and , Chaperon, Samantha (2021), Stakeholder Management and the Imbalance of Power: A Central Mediterranean Perspective on Tourism in Marine Protected Areas. Springer Nature. In: , , In: Ante Mandić, L Petrić (eds.), Mediterranean Protected Areas in the Era of Overtourism: Challenges and Solutions. Springer Nature, Heidelberg . ISBN: 9783030691929 (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69193-6_6).

Chaperon, Samantha and , (2017), Tourism Policies. Sage. In: , , In: Linda L. Lowry (ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. Sage, London . ISBN: 9781483368948 (doi: https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-international-encyclopedia-of-travel-and-tourism/book244212) NB Item availability restricted.

Chaperon, Samantha and , (2016), Dependency theory, tourism. Springer International Publishing. In: , , In: Jafari Jafar, Xiao Honggen (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Tourism. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (1st) . ISBN: 9783319013831 (doi: http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319013831) NB Item availability restricted.

Edited book

Chaperon, Samantha , MacLeod, Nicola, International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA), University of Greenwich (2017), Tourism in contemporary cities. Proceedings of the International Tourism Studies Association Conference: University of Greenwich, London, UK 17–19 August 2016 Conference Proceedings. University of Greenwich. In: , , , Proceedings of the International Tourism Studies Association Conference 2016. University of Greenwich, London , 6 . ISBN: 9780900822063 (doi: http://intltourismstudies.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/ITSA-2016-Conference-Proceedings-Final.pdf).


Chaperon, Samantha , Coca-Stefaniak, Andres, Kennell, James (2016), Business improvement districts and the visitor economy. Association of Town & City Management/University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Association of Town & City Management/University of Greenwich, London, UK (doi: ).