
Study support

As a student, you will be expected to meet the academic standards for your course. However, you can access support and ask the University to consider what reasonable adjustments can be made.

We do anticipate the needs of those with disabilities. We create good access to buildings. We offer induction loops, magnification/reading software in libraries, and text-to-speech and mind mapping software.

By law (Equality Act, 2010) we must also provide reasonable adjustments to ensure disabled students are not substantially disadvantaged compared with non-disabled students.

Measures include adjustments to procedures (such as extra time in exams), supporting access to campus, or providing specialist support and equipment.

Orientation Support

Starting university can be overwhelming, we can allocate an Orientation Support Student Ambassador to help you with transitioning and settling in to university. This support includes:

  • getting to know your way around campus
  • navigating the quickest and accessible routes between teaching buildings
  • finding key areas such as your faculty office, library, first aid room
  • understanding your timetable and finding your teaching rooms

In Class Support

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) no longer provide Band 1 and 2 support. This includes support within the taught sessions such as a study assistant or a note taker.  If you require this type of support, then please do let us know as soon as possible so that we can arrange this for you.


The four types of captioning that are available at the University of Greenwich are:

Automatic speech recognition (ASR)

Every video/lecture recording uploaded onto Panopto has machine generated captioning available. This is automatic and is available within 15 minutes of the video being uploaded. Accuracy level is typically between 70-75% depending on the audio quality in the recording.

Accurate Caption via Moodle

Students can request improved captioning if they find that the ASR produced captioning, as above, for a specific recording has low accuracy.  A request button is available on Moodle, students click on this and complete a request form. The turnaround time for this is 1 week.

Human Captioning via AI Media

100% accurate human captioning can be provided for disabled students (where a need is assessed and identified) that are registered with the Student Wellbeing Service and have a Greenwich Inclusion Plan in place.  Turnaround time is 4 days.

Live Captioning

100% accurate captioning for live taught sessions for disabled students (where a need is assessed and identified) that are registered with the Student Wellbeing Service and have a Greenwich Inclusion Plan in place. This is available in real time making live content instantly accessible.

Greenwich Inclusion Plan

This is your support plan which will outline the reasonable adjustments that you require so that you are able to access and engage with all aspects of your course. Reasonable Adjustments can take a wide range of forms and are dependent on your support needs and course requirements.

The Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP) remains throughout the duration of your studies. It is your responsibility to notify Student Wellbeing Service of any changes in your circumstance which may require your Greenwich Inclusion plan (GIP) to be reviewed and updated.

The following are examples to help you understand the types of reasonable adjustments that may be available:

Teaching and Learning Reasonable Adjustments

  • Additional time for assignments via the extenuating circumstances process
  • Access to lecture recordings
  • Advance slides and handouts
  • Early access to reading lists
  • Provide written instructions
  • Highlight key books/chapters
  • Extra time outside of sessions
  • Rest breaks for long sessions
  • Extra time for responses
  • Alternative to groupwork
  • Alternative to group presentations
  • Videos require subtitles
  • Audio description of visual props
  • Notice of changes to routine
  • Needs Braille/large print/audio
  • Alternative Assessment
  • Support worker in class
  • Human transcription needed
  • Alternative Study Mode

Teaching Space Reasonable Adjustments

  • Wheelchair access
  • Hearing loop enabled
  • Quiet space for time-out
  • Reserved seating in lectures
  • Use of lifts
  • Ergonomic /adjustable chair
  • Exercise area for guide dogs

Library Reasonable Adjustments

  • Extensions to library loans
  • Photocopying or printing need
  • Help with books and articles
  • Quiet study space – disabled students are provided with additional room bookings per week.

Exam Arrangements

  • Extra Time
  • Rest Breaks (10 minute per hour not including extra time)
  • Separate Room; this can be by self or with a small group
  • Individual PC
  • Exam Paper in Large Print
  • Exam Paper on Coloured Paper
  • Exam Paper in Braille
  • Reader
  • Scribe
  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Signer
  • Ergonomic Chair
  • Cerium Overlay (student to bring their own)
  • Foot rest
  • Medication Permitted
  • Speech to Text Software: Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Screen Reader Software
  • Magnification Software
  • Specific Seating
  • Food and drink allowed
  • Extra light
  • Printed exam instructions
  • Toilet Breaks
  • PEEP/ mobility issues
  • 1st aid alert
  • Prompter
  • Text to Speech Software: Read and Write
  • Headphones
  • Exam Reader Pen

Support for exams

Students who believe they may be eligible for exam arrangements, such as extra time, must follow the right steps to ensure this is agreed. There are deadlines for applications, please make sure that you check the student portal and your university email for the deadline dates. It is important that you make contact with us by these dates.

See Exam Arrangements

Ongoing Catch Ups

Your allocated Student Wellbeing Service Co-Ordinator (Disability & Dyslexia) may offer you ongoing catch ups with them. This is dependent on your support needs. The catch ups enable them to monitor and review your support package throughout the duration of your studies. The catch ups also give you the opportunity to discuss matters as they arise which you need support with. The catch ups can be online via TEAMS, by telephone, by email or in person on campus.

Emergency Medical Information Care Plan (EMI)

If you have a medical condition that may require medical assistance at any point whilst on campus then you will be offered a medical emergency information care plan (EMI). You will need to add detail about your medical condition on this and state what actions need to be taken during a medical emergency.  This will then be shared with our Safety team which consists of First Aiders. You will also be expected to carry a physical copy with you at all times whilst on campus.

Specific Learning Difficulties Screenings

If you suspect that you may have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, dyscalculia or Autism then we can offer you a screening. If the screening shows positive indicators then we will arrange necessary support. We can also provide advice and guidance on seeking a full diagnostic assessment, if requested.

If you do not have a disability but still require support

We provide an academic skills service which can be accessed by all students.